Site Update(d)

After several years of the same look and feel, it was time for a visual overhaul of the site and removal of some pages, downloads, and such that were out-of-date or no longer relevant to the current direction I wanted the site to go. After being down for about a week for its overhaul, the site is back up with its new look and feel. Poke around and enjoy the sights!

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Gone Quiet But Still Here

I know I’ve gone quiet since my last post about leaving the Academy. Since then I’ve been giving some thought to a challenge I gave myself nearly a decade back, but hadn’t been able to fully realize … until now. The challenge revolved around the development of a rules system, the specifics I’ll share later. Over the past few months since leaving the Academy I’ve been working on that challenge. The prior attempts I’ve made in earlier years (somewhere around a half-a-dozen) have ended in me halting work and putting the system aside until I learned more, had an…

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My Gamer Type: Immersed Storywriter

One of the first things I did when I started at my current company was take an assessment that helped me understand my gaming style or type. I realized that I never really shared this out, and I find it very telling about myself and my RP/game style and key motivations. I’m an Immersed Storywriter: I like to hold my character’s actions and fate in my hands, allowing me to feel completely engrossed in the role-play experience. I like feeling a sense of control and freedom as well as an emotional connection to my characters. For me playing a…

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The GM-PC Conundrum

It’s amazing what playing in a game can do to spurn thoughts, and this one is something that I’ve seen done well, but also seen done disastrously: GMs/STs who also have PCs in the game. Much like the recent posts this one was inspired by a conversation I had where mentioned that “I feel as an ST/GM that you need to look at your game first, not your PCs.” I am very much an advocate of if you’re running a game, find a game to play in, with one major caveat: it should not be your own game. Find…

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Game Boundaries, Expectations, and Letting Players Go

I was chatting with one of my STs/GMs the other night after I’d decided to retire my character from play. My reasons for doing so aren’t important here, but over the course of the conversation surrounding the character’s retirement I also learned more about the nature of the game that was being run and the system that was being used (I was new to this edition of the game system) and realized that it wasn’t one that fit with what I was looking for in a game. Despite myself pointing out several times that “this system just isn’t my…

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On Players, Characters, and PC ties

PC to PC ties can be a great way to help web and network a new character into a game, but that only works if the characters that a PC is tied to are around, active, and able to be engaged with for that tie to be meaningful. Otherwise it just becomes a background point that fades into history. I see two types of ties: the ‘handwave tie’ and the ‘deep tie.’ The handwave tie is a tie that is very background and really won’t come into play in any significant way, and when it does come into play…

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What to do with a website?

In early 2004 I purchased a domain name and a little bit of space on a server and set up Initially it was for a table-top RPG project, but that quickly morphed into a live-action RPG (LARP) project within a year. The project itself never saw full completion (at least as I would define it) but did give me space to write about LARPing and so I did for several years. Time passes, people change, and by around 2010 I no longer was regularly LARPing and a few years later I had stopped altogether. For the past several…

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Sci-Fi Fantasy pixel killing and my guild seeker’s interview questions

The Pixel Killing Goodness Recently I decided to try a game that I saw advertised called SkyForge. SkyForge blends both sci-fi and fantasy in an interesting mix that works really well. It’s a free-to-play game, but with a premium subscription option. If you have a subscription then you gain some resources a bit faster or easier than the non-paying option, but it is NOT a pay-to-win game. It’s better to look at it as a pay-to-improve-a-bit-faster. They have done pretty good to stay away from pay-to-win, putting caps in place to keep even the paid account members from accruing…

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LARP List Update

It had been a while since the LARP List had been visited, links checked, and games updated. That has now been done. A couple of entries have been removed as they pointed to games or events which are no longer active and a few others have been added. Many have has URL updates so that if you click a link it’ll now go to an active site or page with information on it. If you know of a LARP in the Everett-Seattle-Tacoma, Washington area that’s not on the list please let me know and I’ll add it.

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Changes Underway

Earlier this year I started giving thought to what would become of Mortalis Games now that I’m not near as active a LARPer as I once was (I’ve pretty much entered LARP retirement). I decided that since I still game that it would become a hub for all my gaming related activity. The LARP stuff is still there, but it’s all under LARP in the menu. In addition to LARP there’s been a spot added for computer/console gaming and tabletop gaming. There’s also a link where you can watch any live-streaming of the Pixel Killing Network on directly…

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