The State of the Project

You get busy with life and projects, and only after you look at the date of your last entry do you realize it’s been a long time since you posted anything. Time for an update. Work continues, albeit slower than expected, but that’s okay. Real life first, personal obligations second, and then hobby project stuff. Real life and other obligations have kept me a quite a bit busier, particularly with things re-opening, life returning closer to normal (as if you could define “normal”), and with a pet who developed a chronic condition that has needed a lot of care. So, where do things sit?

Phase 1:
The phase 1 draft is done and I’ve gotten some good feedback on it. The final word and page count for this initial draft is 85,110 words and 175 pages. I also plan to revisit the manuscript as some of the details from it have been moved into the phase 2 work, and so will need removal from this manuscript. I’ll be actioning on the feedback once I’m done with at least Phase 2. It took just under a year to write this up.

Phase 2:
The book document is done and it’s currently sitting at 192 pages and 84,823 words. The engine document is partially done. I need to pick it back up and finish it now that I’ve given my eyes and mind a break from looking at it. The companion document that will accompany the engine document and will explain how to use the engine is partially written up, having gotten a lot of its information written up earlier. This phase is taking a bit longer than planned to complete, primarily due to real life issues, but also due to how much there is to research, write, and do. The end part of this phase will be overlapping with the next phase a bit since the engine and companion document are technically a part of this phase, but I need the next phase to test what I’ve noted as the engine to make sure I’ve captured all the needed information, or if I need to amend those documents.

Phase 3:
With the engine and companion documents well underway, this phase has now begun. I expect this phase and the ruleset it’ll produce to take about a year to do since I’ll be building on a foundation I’ve already developed.

I’m adding a fourth item here and that is website. It’s been years since I’ve given my website a review and clean-up. It’s time to do that, so I’ll be working that into all of this and using this side project as a way of giving myself a break from writing, but when I still want to move stuff forward.