Hit and Miss

The miss was that there wasn’t a post week before last week and last week and that was because I was away from Seattle, traveling on business for the first and not feeling good for the second. Between the two off weeks, the hit, is that I was at class AND it was a continuation of what was covered the week before. As if there wasn’t enough drills with A and B, there is also Drill C that was learned. The class also started learning the first part of the first fight sequence during the first class I missed, and finished learning the second half during the second class I missed.

Given that the class I did make was just a continuation of what was covered while I was gone, it made it easy to catch up. There is one challenge I’m finding and that is time to do daily drill work. Busy season (I have a longer busy season than a lot of people realize, it’s called game launch season) means that I’m typically spending a bit more time at work and less time at home right now. This means the time I have available to me to do other stuff during the week is reduced, and depending on how much time I end up spending at work on a given day, much reduced. That time is also affected by traffic and how long my commute takes; usually an hour, however when really bad rainstorms set in it can be much longer. This has gotten me wondering if I really do have the time for the class given that it’ll become more and more important to do drill work at home as the class goes on and I only see the time requirements increasing. Something to think about.