The Current State of Things

Just under 10 months ago I shared that I’d been revisiting a challenge I gave myself a decade back. Fast-forward to now and completing the challenge is well under way. Since then I have successfully completed the initial draft of the rule system that I was working on and have some others currently reviewing it to make sure the rules are solid, clear, balanced, and stable.

Yes, 2020 has been quite a year and in several not-so-pleasant ways, however for me I’ve been able to find a silver lining in the storm-clouds of the year. Because of the increased need to reduce social gatherings and interactions due to the pandemic I’ve been gifted a lot more time to work on the development of this system.

But reaching this point in the work of developing this rule system is only a part of what’s going on here. There are soon to be some other changes in the works that have grown out the work I’ve done on that system. I realize I’m being vague and very non-specific, and that’s due to the fact that there are a lot of pieces that are still up in the air and details that are being worked out.

I realized however that I needed to post something given the last update and this prolonged silence since then. Cogs and wheels are currently in motion just not visibly so, and it will be some time until the results of a lot of these behind-the-scenes workings can be made public. Keep watch!